alkaline acid diet and coffee

It is interesting to note that on various alkaine acid diet food charts found on the internet, coffee has a variety of classifications. These range from highly acidic to mildly alkaline. This raises may questions. Which chart or charts are to be believed? According to the alkaline acid diet, should we drink or avoid coffee? Besides pH, what other effects does coffee have on our bodies both positive and negative?

Despite the conflicting information regarding the pH of its ash there are many studies that have been made into the health effects of drinking coffee. One such study suggests that it may have beneficial effects as far as preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. The study referenced below examined 15 studies into the relationship between coffee drinking and type 2 diabetes. These studies say nothing that relates directly to the alkaline acid diet.

The researchers concluded that it appears that coffee may play a part in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes in regular drinkers.

Even though coffee is often viewed in a negative light as far as health is concerened. Its relationship with the alkaline acid diet is no different. But is it really bad? And is it really an acid food?

The study makes no mention of this but does indicate that coffee consumption may actually be a good thing.

For followers of the alkaline acid diet it is worth carefully considering the benefits of drinking coffee before you decide not to drink it because of its alleged acid food status.

 References: Rob M. van Dam, PhD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD Coffee Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes The Journal of the American Medical Association

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